Over the last 2 years most of the World dealt with the pandemic and the restrictions involved definitely affected the progress of people who were working on themselves socially and in dating. Korea never had an actual lockdown, but the borders were closed for many incoming travelers and there was a mandatory 2 week Quarantine on arrival. As of tomorrow, Korea is getting rid of such restrictions and fully opening the borders for international travelers. In addition, while there is an 11pm curfew for businesses/restaurants/clubs – this also will be removed in the coming weeks. Spring is officially here and it’s the best time to be on the streets talking to women who catch your eye, improving your skills, and enjoying the relationship/s that you aspire to.
However….there is always the excuse weasal that rears its ugly head anytime you try to go out and work on the area of approaching, dating, and so on…
Some of the common ones I see are along these lines…
“I’ll start next week” ….then you say this until next year.
“I’ll go out when my wing man is free” ….then you only go out once a week or month.
“I approached 5 sets so calling it a day”…you quit when you just started and warmed up so retard any progress and cut off the chance of any potential date.
“I’ll swipe online for now” – You contiue to meet subpar girl after subpar girl and gaze at the girls waking by on the street, at the cafe, in the subway station, living a life with no balls and not engaged with women you really want to be with.
“Today is not my day” – Everyday is your day if you make it. The universe is mental – this mindset is holding you back and it’s time to take some personal responsibility and lead a fulfilling life.
“I’ll approach at night when I’m drunk and in a club!” – This one atleast involves approaching….and going to clubs and approaching is good! But ask yourself if you want to rely on alcohol forever. Is it a crutch? Is it sustainable long term? Do you have to wait until Saturday night in a basement to talk to people?
The guys who master this area of their life are the ones who find solutions not make excuses. The same goes for career, fitness, and everything else in life. why would this area be different?
Set some goals – time block a couple hours and set an amount of approaches you plan to do. Post session reflect on what you did well and what to improve on and continue to go out and refine yourself.
In Korea the rules and regulations have been dropped, spring is here and the skirts are out. Remember, the only thing in your way is yourself! It’s time to get out there again! If you are interested in meeting like minded people join the Facebook Community and if you are interested in one on one coaching reach out and we can tailor a program to your goals and current level of progress.