How To Text Korean Girls – 3 Tips For Success
Over the years after the release of Kakaotalk, I’ve seen many people discuss strategies on how to text Korean girls. Some oversell how text game in Korea is different than from the west and go down odd time- wasting rabbit holes. They may spend months of texting old numbers daily and bombarding them with emoticons or emojis. There are certainly some differences and witty banter is not nearly as critical here, but in general there are a few key concepts that can be applied to any country. The differences are often cultural and are things you need to either add or remove from your arsenal. If you have been wondering how to text Korean girls and wanted actionable advice, here are 3 concepts to apply today and notes on what to avoid!
- Mirroring refers to matching the general length of the girls text and not falling into the trap of over-texting. The majority of attractive girls are used to guys chasing them, putting them on a pedestal, and communicating with them in a needy beta-chode type of way. When you don’t over-invest and fall into the typical trap of a lightweight, you can sub communicate to her that you “get it” and are attuned to her internal rhythms and external behavior. You don’t need to be perfect you just want to communicate on equal footing and lead her to the date. In addition, not following up and texting for a date i.e. “Under texting” is also a problem. Make sure to reap the harvest you have sown!
2. Sharing Your World – Using simple status updates like you would on an Instagram story is a fun and engaging way of building curiosity and engagement. You can share events, cool restaurants/cafes/bars or anything fun, unique, silly thing you see during your day. Bringing a girl into your world is a very important part of the game. Keeping the texts light and playful are important and its best to avoid negativity, or sexuality over text as it can easily be misinterpreted and blow up your leads.
3. Date Invite – Inviting her for a date is the most important part of this process. You should not spend too long before actually going for the meet up! After all it’s why you exchanged kakaotalk or numbers in the first place. After getting the number it’s ideal to meet within 3 days of the initial interaction. While much of the literature on western game says that numbers may take weeks to pan out, in Korea after 7 days the numbers drop off sharply and are either best to totally move on from or saved for a rainy day and thrown into low-effort mass resurrection text pile to be pinged days or weeks later. Korea is a fast paced hyper modernized country filled with Asian social/career obligations, Hakwon (학원) exams, blind dates, and business boozing. The Attractive women here are living in Metropolis of 22 million people that is filled with so much non-stop stimuli that the initial impact of the first interaction fades quicker than a slow European city, or laid back American city where 9-5 pm work cycles followed by Netflix are the way of life. While the numbers do fall out faster (some do resurrect later) you are forced to have a more abundant mindset and overcome your scarcity, in addition there’s always a hotter girl on the street waiting for you to approach and initiate a fresh opportunity that is 99% more likely to pan out than beating your old leads to death.
Hope you enjoyed this article on how to text Korean girls! We got some new podcasts in the works and email us or hit us up on Facebook if you have any topic you’d like to hear about! Until next time 😉