The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the world in everything from how we socialize, do business, and operate in our daily lives. With some countries coming out of lock down and others still in one, many have wondered how game will change or if it will even be possible in 2020. Fortunately if you are in South Korea, a lock down never took place. However the majority of bars, clubs, and other venues, parties or festivals have been shut down in order to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. For those who rely a nightlife venues are certainly impacted the most but the good news is that the majority of girls are still excited to come out and meet you for a date 1:1 if there is enough interest. In fact, due to the shut down of clubs, parties, most travel, and a current ban on hostesss bars, a lot of the hotter girls are more free than the ever were pre Covid-19. This means that you have a MUCH higher chance of meeting top tier girls during the current pandemic than before it. But How?
Street Game is King
If you have been putting of day game or avoiding the streets in favor of clubs and bars, now is the golden time to get your reps in. In Korea the streets are as flooded as ever since there isn’t a lock down. According to epidemiologists being outside is exponentially safer than being in any indoor venue such as a bar or club and on top of that the majority of people are wearing masks in Seoul. Many gamers are afraid that girls may not be receptive due to wearing masks or the Covid-19 pandemic but this isn’t the case whatsoever. Korean girls are generally happy to have human contact and interaction and as mentioned above, are more available for a date than ever before! Any major hub like Gangnam, Hongdae, Sinsa, Jamsil can be a great place to game. Some guys are even getting 3-7 dates a week currently so go take whats yours! In addition while Korea has extremely low covid numbers compared to the rest of the world, you can use the contact tracing site coronamap.site to check for infections in the area.
Online Dating Apps
As Korean girls are more bored than ever many have resorted to online dating to find a guy to meet during their free days of the week. In Korea currently (June 2020) Tinder, Bumble, Meeff, Glam, and 아만다 are popular dating apps. Be sure that you upload photos that are shot well and even Pphotoshopped to make you look better (don’t fret every girl does this as well) so that you get some matches. Currently the paid for version of each app is worth it so that you can actually accrue enough matches and use the advanced features that they offer. It’s also a good chance to invite girls over for drinks or cooking with the current pandemic as a plausible reason 😉 For more details on dating apps in Korea check out previous the article on dating apps as well as the podcast on Tinder in Korea.